Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights

Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights
Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights Roosevelt Middle School Running Track, Soccer Field and Field Lights

The Compton Unified School District selected Villarruel Architects, Inc to design a new 400 meter running track at Roosevelt Middle School. The new running track was design to meet CIF standards. The new running track was constructed with synthetic surfacing, new perimeter fencing, drains, drinking fountain, Tifway 419 sod, drought tolerant landscaping, accessible gates and school coordinated colors. Six 80 foot tall MUSCO LED field lights were installed. Also included was 5 row aluminum bleachers and perimeter concrete paving. The soccer and football team of Roosevelt Middle School now have new regulation size running track and athletic field that they can be proud to call home.

Compton Unified School District

Date: 2016

Size: 165,000 sq ft

Cost: $2,000,000

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Villarruel Architects, Inc
Architecture + Planning + Interiors